Friday, March 15

Of course, Mommy will protect you

ITEM!: Sydney had a bad dream tonight, about us driving in the car "to some random place," and the car was "filled with spiders and big bugs" that were "trying to bite us." So now she's sleeping in my bed, comfortable in the knowledge that neither myself, nor Oliver and Daisy, will allow her to get bitten by any such bugs. I'm a sucker for bad dream cuddles. I usually don't falter so easily though, and she ends up back in her own bed, but tonight, I felt like giving her the victory.
ITEM!: I'm done with having these few things up on CraigsList. The buying people have bailed on me too many times in the last couple weeks, and I'm sick of the weird, emotional angst this is giving me. Tomorrow, Sydney and I are taking these three things to Goodwill, and finally finishing those last two boxes in storage. Besides the Easter decorations, which I'll bring up and put out on Monday, the storage will be cleaned out and organized like a boss.
ITEM!: We re-watched Pitch Perfect tonight, and I still find it to be one of the most adorable and smiley movies ever.
ITEM!: Do you remember when I was all, "Hey, I need to start reading again"? Yeah, I still need to do that.

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