Saturday, March 6

Earthquake destruction: bad

We watched the movie 2012 tonight. I don't like these kinds of movies, even though I do. It's always good to see stories about the strength of the human spirit. Also, it's always good to see John Cusack, Oliver Platt and Danny Glover. But this also, is another argument for the positives of living in the middle of the country. Washington, D.C. destroyed; Los Angeles destroyed. The middle of the country was spared from the huge tsunamis bowling over the coasts.
Actually, the complete destruction of L.A. and its surrounding areas was disturbing enough for me to be clutching Brian's hand throughout that sequence. Ridiculous, yes, but still, a powerful enough earthquake could bring untold destruction. I like it better when stuff is destroyed by aliens, or volcanoes or something. Earthquakes really happen there.

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