Wednesday, June 10

Who acts like this? Really!

I saw the craziest thing at the airport today: a kid, about 20 years old or so, getting crazy belligerent with a TSA employee about a cup of coffee. (I was next in line, so got a premium seat to the train wreck.) The TSA Lady told him, nicely, that he was not permitted to bring the coffee through security. The kid, no kidding, fires back in the dickiest voice, "THAT is the most RIDICULOUS thing I've ever heard!" She's all, those are the rules. He's all, your rules are ridiculous. She's all, you want to talk to a supervisor? He's all, yes. As the supervisor heads over, the jerk downs the rest of his coffee. By the time the supervisor arrived, the coffee cup was empty, and he was all, I don't need an empty cup anyway.
I'm making this a lot more relaxed than it was. I am, to be completely honest with you, still stunned by the blatant hostility this kid ... and his father ... exhibited to the TSA employees. All over a $2 cup of coffee that obviously was not too full to slam down in the space of a few seconds.
It's not my experience to pick fights with strangers over stupid stuff. And certainly not when those strangers could derail an entire flight schedule and travel day by having you arrested if you so much as look at them funny. I'm still shaking my head at this guy's attitude. Every time I looked at him throughout this incident, I just shook my head and muttered about him being an idiot/asshole/jerk ... pick one.

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