Friday, April 4

New battery and mother are doing fine

I spent more than an hour without my phone today, and it felt weird, and unsettling, and isolating. My hands were twitchy, you guys, and I wish I could say that I was exaggerating.
I took my phone into Apple for a new battery this morning (the original one was being all kinds of wonky, and we discovered that it needed replacing), and it took them an hour to install the new one. So you know, I was totally happy that the best way for me to kill an hour without any technology was right across the street: Barnes & Noble. I mean, if I have to waste an hour waiting for something, my favorite bookstore is the place to do it. I set out to the store happily, but then realize that I had no means of telling time without the phone. I couldn't call Mom and talk with her as I was walking across the street. And then, once in the store, I didn't have a camera to take pictures of book covers I wanted to get for my Nook. And I had no notes function to write anything down, so I had to scramble for a piece of paper and scribble tiny on it. And then, I had no way to take a picture of the lady with the awful outfit, who was in line ahead of me. I swear, it was anarchy and chaos in my head.
What could I do? Well, I did exactly what I meant to do, I wandered through every book section, and ended up spending well more than the hour I needed. But I had to ask someone what the time was. And then I had to not be able to check Facebook or Twitter while I was waiting for the phone to be returned to me. Jeez, what did I ever do before I had an iPhone? Besides be sure to wear a watch ...

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