Saturday, December 15

A good day for us

I'm no less outraged today.
But I did a good job of hiding my head in the sand. I didn't want to know what the medical examiner said. I didn't want to see the pictures of the babies. I didn't want to wake up this morning thanking the universe that I was able to hug my baby, and feeling overwhelming grief for those parents in Connecticut who are no longer able to do the same.
It's still so wrong. I haven't changed my mind, either. I don't think guns have a place in our society. We're better off without them. I would add "gun-hater" to my official bio over there, but I like the positivity of the bio, and don't really want to sully it with anger.
Along those lines, I rolled with pretty much whatever Sydney wanted to do today. We went to the dinosaur museum in Sugar Land so she could spend some time in the dinosaur dig pit and we could check out the displays; we ate noodles and chicken at Pei Wei; we made pumpkin spice quick bread; she played with the computer and Legos all afternoon; and she had Tootsie Rolls with her sandwich for dinner.
I'm overcompensating for the horrors of yesterday, and my all-encompassing fear of losing my own baby rather well, don't you think?

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