Thursday, August 11

Brown. Not gray. Brown.

I can't wait for tomorrow. Honestly. I can not wait.
Why so eager? Two words: HAIR COLOR.
It was but a few months ago that Malia and I decided that coloring my hair with permanent color is no longer an optional angle that we'll have to deal with in the future. No, now the hair coloring is necessary. This doesn't scare me so much as it irritates me. Living where I do, without the ability to get regular coloring sessions with my hair stylist, living with gray hair is a ridiculous thing. Oh yeah, and it's ugly.
Over the last several weeks, I've been sickened by my gray-infused hairline every morning when I "style" my hair, and every evening before going to bed. There's way too much gray for me to look at without getting pissy, and having to wait as long as I do to cover it up is driving me insane. Tomorrow, I roll full-on brown again, and I am beside myself excited. No purple, just brown. Trust me, it's necessary.

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