Friday, March 11

Earth people, beware

I feel like our planet is rebelling against us in earnest, now. Of course, there's all the earthquakes in general. There are the major fish deaths, birds falling from the sky, and glaciers melting. But let me tell you, this tsunami and earthquake and the resulting destruction in Japan and along the edges of the Pacific Ocean is just devastating. And I think it's our planet giving us a very good idea of how minuscule we are in regards to its history, but especially how inconsequential we are in the face of its power. And I fear that we have made such a mess of the place that there's no way to make it better. I mean, are we beyond the point of no return? Have we damaged the earth more than the following generations can repair it? Even with their flying cars and telepathic cell phones, will they be counting the days, months and maybe years until the planet will, in fact, make life unlivable for them? It's too scary to think about, but really, I feel like we, as a species, need to get our shit together and become better parasites on the Earth's surface. But how do we make that happen?

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