Sunday, May 2

It actually IS complicated!!

I thoroughly enjoy the movie Star Trek. Though I get concerned that Capt. James T. Kirk, in his younger incarnation, spends a lot of time getting beat up, and with blood on his face. That sets a bad precedent, I think. I did check IMDb the last time I watched this movie (which, admittedly, wasn't too long ago) and am pleased to report that there is a sequel in the works for this fantastic film.
Star Trek (which is on play in the DVD player right now) is the second of a double feature marathon for me tonight. The first movie we watched was It's Complicated, starring Meryl Streep, Alec Baldwin and Steve Martin. Brian and I are not at all the demographic they were looking for when they marketed this movie, but my goodness, we totally loved it. I can't wait for Mom to see this flick. She'll totally dig it.
Anyway, I am watching the double feature because of a darker, more insidious reason: my DVR box in the bedroom has conked out. It started skipping, weirdly, this afternoon while Sydney was napping. I turned it on and off. I rebooted it several, several times. I unplugged and re-plugged it. I left it off, then turned it back on. I put it in time-out and let it think about its misbehavior. Finally, I just turned it off for the last time and chose to walk away for a while. It rested. Brian and I watched a movie. (Of course, when one TV goes out, the other working one MUST be showing Nick, Jr. shows. There is a balance that must be upheld.) Having finished It's Complicated, and put the kid to bed, I decided that I'd best watch a movie and do my farming and blogging before deciding what time I could get this fool box to the Cox store for a replacement tomorrow. But just a minute ago, as I was bitching in my head about the cable box, I gave the box a stink-eye, and noticed that the clock on the box was on! WHAT??!! IT'S WORKING!! Now, I can finish my movie with unstressed glee, because all is right in the world.

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