Sunday, January 13

The winner is ... ack. Who cares?

I was going to watch the Golden Globes news conference tonight, but then I discovered that the only network upon which I could was NBC. The problem with that? Um, it was being hosted by Billy Bush, whom I consider to be the ultimate bane of the entertainment world. He's just so irritating. So I got online to check out the winners, and then kinda decided that, well, I didn't really care. I haven't seen hardly any of the movies, thereby ensuring that I wasn't emotionally vested in the outcome; and it's just not as much fun without the red carpet, cheesy speeches and overwhelming self-congratulations that the awards show offers us viewers. Boring. I sure hope the Oscars doesn't go down this way.

I did watch the new show Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles though. I don't know why exactly, but I have been ridiculously eager to see this program. And I'll say that it did not disappoint me. In fact, I've made it a "record all" on the DVR -- a distinction that so many shows wish for. The basic gist is that it takes place after the T2 movie, and before the third Terminator film, but also kind of acts as though that third movie never happened. So we're to forget all about Nick Stahl and Claire Danes (shouldn't be too hard), and be all about this new John, Sarah and Cameron, the good, protective Terminator, which, incidentally, should be quite easy. I'm already loving the whole thing. The second half of the premiere is tomorrow night. Finally! Something I might enjoy as much as Dancing with the Stars to take up Monday night!

1 comment:

Susan S. said...

Hi there from Snowy Massachusetts! I enjoyed the Sarah Connor Chronicles too...