Wednesday, January 9

They call it Xanadu-uu-uuu

You know how, sometimes, you've got a whole lot of iTunes credit from Christmas, and it's kinda burning a hole in your account because you really want to spend it, but then you can't really find anything you want to buy right this second, but then you see something that makes you say to yourself, "Holy crap! I must have those songs right this moment!"?
You do? Great! I just had one of those moments! And guess what I bought! Songs from the movie Xanadu. Actually, what led me to that was the newly released soundtrack to Xanadu: The Musical, which was highlighted on the iTunes homepage. I clicked on it automatically upon seeing the name, but then immediately noticed my error when it popped up with all these songs sung by some chick that's not Olivia Newton-John! Blasphemy! So I did a search for the soundtrack to Xanadu the movie and directly downloaded those awesome songs. All the while thinking, "Holy crap! I must have those songs right this moment!"

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