Friday, May 18

You get the snorkels, I'll get the boat

I have no illusions about my career being an exciting one. It's not. There are no high-stress dramas focusing on the life of a magazine editor. Movies aren't made about it, and certainly, very few people dream about being a good proofreader.
When I was a kid, I wanted to be an astronaut, or an archaeologist, or a helicopter pilot, or a pirate. I find that I would still dig having one of those occupations, especially after reading about someone doing something cool with one of those nifty careers.
As an example, shipwreck salvaging. A salvage company based in Tampa, Fla., has gone public with a find that has yielded an estimated $500 million in silver and gold coins. The 17th-century shipwreck is somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean. Because the shipwreck was found in a lane where many colonial-era vessels went down, there is still some uncertainty about its nationality, size and age, although evidence points to a specific known shipwreck. The site is beyond the territorial waters or legal jurisdiction of any country, too, meaning it is the property of the salvage company.
Sure, the money's all good, but how romantically cool to be a shipwreck salvager? A treasure hunter of the first degree. That is much more exciting than distinguishing between an em- and en-dash.


Sam said...

And the funny thing about being a salvager, is even after find a $500 million booty, they WILL go look for something else!

Pamela said...

Where do I sign up for your salvage team? You bring the ship & equipment, I'll bring the suntan lotion and rum -aarrrgggg!

Pirate Pamela

-T. said...

I'm TOTALLY with you, Kimmy. Hearing that jobs like that exist..makes me dream about what I would do if I could all over again =)