Monday, November 13

Elvis, Brit and Sydney

ITEM!: Sydney G was born a couple weeks ago, so I'm sure that you'll forgive me for blowing off the blog until I got more into the swing of things. Granted, I still experience a full five seconds of absolute terror every time she starts to cry, and find that I am counting down to that magical three-month mark when, according to everyone around us who has dealt with this same thing, "everything will be better." Every day we learn something new. As an example, today I learned that the vibrating chair does not make for a good experience after a good-sized meal. Baby puke is awesome.
ITEM!: Pop-culture Christmas has come early! Britney's filed for divorce from her chicken-fried husband, and all is about to become right in the world again. Of course, this guy is going to do everything he can to get the most money he can, but Brit should be kissing the feet of whoever made her get a pre-nup signed before they walked down the aisle. That little piece of papaer is going to save her ass. She looks amazing (did you see her on Letterman?), and rumor has it that she's working on her new album. What this girl needs is a hit record, some time out of the tabloids, and a kick-ass attorney who will bring this guy to his knees.
ITEM!: I love that penguins are wearing shoes. Apparently, these penguins, having moved into their new environment, are experiencing some bad foot issues. Keepers and others developed these nifty shoes to protect the delicate webbed feet from the rocks, ground and such. Oh yeah, and those of who know me well enough also will appreciate that this particular penguin's name is "Elvis." I want a penguin named Elvis! That's too cool!
ITEM!: Here's the November avatar. Jeans and a nice sweater are my ideal outfit for the month, and I'm excited that there happened to be a corresponding outfit for the avatar. But, as I live in Scottsdale, where it's still getting into the 80s regularly, jeans can make the distance for the day, but a sweater is still a few weeks off, I think.


Susan S. said...

Just wanted to send my congratulations! Pamela forwarded some pictures... Sydney is so adorable! Welcome to Mommy and Baby!

Pamela said...

Hey- you're back- how cool is that! We have a healthy penguin obsession going on in our house, so appreciate the picture.

I am glad all is well!