Sunday, December 11

Most of mission accomplished

Do you hear that? That is the sound of a productive day. And the relieved sigh of an anal-retentive Christmas freak who just couldn't live with getting less than a full 14 hours' worth of activities done and crossed off the list.
There, to the left, is the finished Christmas tree. Note that it sits in front of the window, a common practice here, so people on the street can look up at the beautiful trees! Lovely!
Here's what we took care of today:
Target -- more tree lights, check; paper goods, check; Christmas card ordering and pick up, check; Seven for $9, and The Cannonball Run for only $5.50, check.
Providence Place -- actually beginning Christmas shopping, and other gift ideas for the family, check.
Tree decorating -- all the lights are up, and all the ornaments are strategically placed, check.
Christmas cards -- addressed, stuffed, stamped and ready to go out tomorrow, check.
Laundry, dishwasher and other housewifery stuff -- ugh, but check.
A shorter list of things to do have I, so a much happier camper am I. A perfect Sunday!!


pocketless 8th grader said...

Me dear, she seems to be listing to port.

Did you check for squirrels before you put it in the house?

Anonymous said...

Nice tree - we put ours up yesterday too. :) - Andrea

Anonymous said...

Nothing like a happy camper!

-T. said...

OK - now..SEE - that's the advantage to living in the snowy, cold NE - lights on trees look so much prettier when sparkling off the snow! Enjoy!