Sunday, April 27

Awesome camper at an awesome camp

It's so amazing, is it not, when you think you've got the entire summer all figured out, only to have a little postcard arrive in the mail to screw it all up. Some would say, sure, whatever, what kind of postcard could really do that? When it's a postcard advertising the awesome-themed summer camp program, and you're baby girl is very interested in the awesomeness, it definitely changes things. And of course, the week of the awesome camp is during a week that I've already scheduled one of her other camps. So now, the priority for tomorrow morning is scheduling the awesome camp, and rescheduling two other camps.
I can't help but complain that if the awesome camp had gotten their information out earlier, I wouldn't be having to make all these machinations. Still, the awesomeness of the awesome camp absolutely necessitates making these changes. So, while she's a happy camper right now, she'll be a happier camper tomorrow. Which is ... wait for it ... awesome.

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