Friday, March 28

It looks quite uncomfortable, actually

My kid loves dinosaurs. She has for several years. She's seven now, and fell in love with the prehistoric dudes when she was two. That's a super long time for a child to be obsessed with a single thing. Her dream career: paleontology. Her biggest pet peeves: people who think she won't be a paleontologist, and people who don't like dinosaurs.
Adding to her dinosaur obsession is an obsession of mine, so I foster her love as often as possible. New dino shirts, toys, games, books and the like are always on my radar.
Where I feel like I've drawn the line though, is in random dinosaur art. And I mean, art, as in official paintings. This piece to the left was a painting on the wall in a restaurant in Phoenix last weekend. I thought it was super cool, and considered picking it up for her, but she didn't understand the awesomeness of Mr. T.
At the art festival today, Mom and I saw several pieces of artsy dinosaur wall hangings. I couldn't bring myself to buy any of them though. Is she too young to appreciate the art of them? I think so. She'd dig the dinosaur aspect, certainly. But the art-ness that would make them worth the money, or make them a waste if she ever loses interest in dinosaurs, kept me from going that extra step. Maybe in another few years, if the love is still there, I can start supplementing her bedroom wall hangings with more elaborate dinosaur art. But until then, I'll just take pictures of the ones that make me laugh. Like Mr. T riding through what looks like Hawaii on the back of a female stegosaurus.

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