Sunday, December 30

Paper! Paper! Paper did it!!

One of the worst places to get a paper cut is on the tip of the middle finger. I have that paper cut right now, and even though it's well on its way to healing, it is still annoying the hell out of me.
First of all, I have no idea how I got the paper cut. It could very well be from something not at all related to paper, but since the length and depth and width of the cut are consistent with a paper cut, it shall be referred to as a paper cut.
Anyway, it's on the tip of my right middle finger. This allows for multiple opportunities to bam the finger on things, and therefore split it open multiple times. This makes for slower healing, don't you know. Also, there's very little effective medicinal or bandage help you can do with a paper cut there, so it's also pretty much on its own for fighting bacteria.
But finally, after a few days of hoping you remember the paper cut but then being surprised by it every time it gets bammed, it will cease to split open. This is good. However, said paper cut's scab becomes an additional problem.
With a scab on the tip of your finger, you can't always feel things exactly right. Silly little computer things, like moving around a cursor or a mouse on a laptop, you see, gets tricky, and weird. I can't feel much where the scab is. It's like having a nerve ending mini-paralysis in that one place. Moving my mouse tonight and all day today has been a study in patience.
It took me a couple minutes to figure out why the mouse track pad felt weird. It took me longer to decide that ripping off the scab would just start the damn cycle over again. It took me no time at all to blow this entire thing up into a blog post that I'm sure makes me sound completely insane.

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