Monday, October 29

My house needs wellness

NyQuil Cough may be the drug of my dreams tonight. I've caught Sydney's cough with a vengeance, and it's one of those awful dry coughs that kinda rattles in your throat and gives nothing but headaches. My husband, who sometimes can be a rock star, went out and got me some cough medicine to get me through the night. And that it was a NyQuil, cough medicine hybrid is beyond even my highest expectations. Of course, I haven't taken any yet. It would do no good to pass out in a happy, drugged sleep while my computer is on my lap, or while I'm checking all the doors and windows. Still, it's just a matter of time right now. I've got about 10 minutes until my self-imposed sleepy time arrives, and I'm looking forward to it.

1 comment:

rosemary said...

Kimi, is there some specific reason you're reading "What to Expect when You're Expecting"????