Wednesday, September 28

You know, a Wednesday

You know what I think might happen? I think I might go to bed on the early side of 10 p.m. I've got nothing I need to watch on television tonight, and I'm about done with my computer activities already, too.
Stuff from today:
I don't want to wear flip flops anymore. I wore tennies to the railroad park with Sydney this afternoon, and it felt good to not have the flipping flopping. Yes, they were warmer, but it's all good. I think I'll dig out my Toms, as well.
I was a persistent wife, and made Brian make phone calls and send texts in preparation for our life in Houston. I may have news for you all tomorrow.
We watched 127 Hours. I knew I wouldn't be able to watch, open-eyed, the arm-cutting-off part, but I did my best to see most of it. From between my fingers. As my hands were covering my face.
I'm finally finished with the house's loads of laundry. Boring. Also, I watered my plants.
CAR NEWS: I did call the body shop today. The quarter panel is off and the new one's ready. The adjuster came by to take pictures of, and approve the work on, the passenger doors. So my good friend, Garth, tells me that I may have my Jetta late next week. Unfortunately (or not), I got a call from Enterprise today wondering about the awesome, dancing-hamster, Kia Soul. It seems as though they sold the car in their re-sale program, and need it back by Friday. As I won't have my Jetta back until probably next Friday, I agreed to bring in the Soul tomorrow morning and get a different car. I'm so excited to see what they'll have for me!! (THAT was sarcasm. I really miss my car, and I want it back, like, yesterday. This is beginning to piss me off big time.)

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