Sunday, August 28

Shoes, eyelashes and drinks, oh my!

I know that I'm not the girliest of girls. And I know that I don't dress like a girly girl. But on special occasions, I do relish the time spent looking and acting like the girly girl that I seem to be incapable of being in my everyday life. I walk the walk (and fall); I talk the talk (and smile); I dress the dress.
But, here I am, one week post-wedding, and I'm still feeling the effects of my weekend.
When I think of false eyelashes, my eyes begin to water uncontrollably. Not from tears, just irritation remembrance from the glue. These may never happen again. Until another dear friend gets married, and then I'll do it, but then I'll be better prepared.
I tried to drink this weekend at the lake. I really did. But a couple beers in, I couldn't follow through. Also, the last couple drinks of those two or three beers was enough to turn my stomach. I feel like, if it wasn't a shot or a mixed drink, my body just couldn't handle it. I saw the beers, and dreamed only of ready-made margarita mix over ice, mixed drinks, and shots. I had no heart for a beer. Maybe it's because it was Coors and Coors Light instead of Corona. That may have been a problem, too.
As for my feet, which spent a few hours in some shoes with sturdy, but high, heels, they continue to bitch at me regularly. In fact, my right foot is just now starting to feel normal again. But the middle three toes of my left foot continue to feel like television static. I think I may have permanent nerve damage.

p.s. Also, I'm not getting texted enough, and it's giving me issues. My phone got used to blowing up with text messages from my best friend, my girls, the bride, my husband, my mom and the rest of my Cali crew. Back in Arizona, it's a quieter existence. Though I feel like we've been compensating with Facebook quite well, I'm still missing everyone.

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