Wednesday, August 25

Will there be a pretentious zone?

Well, I think that one went well. But I'm not talking about it, because I don't want to jinx it. But really, I think it went super well.
Also, I'm really tired. I think I may be in bed by 11 p.m. tonight.

So, did you hear the new movement afoot to create a "family" zone on airplanes? It's not really a movement, but more the perspectives of a bunch of travelers who responded to a blog or Internet query or something. But still, that's irritating. Do these people think that we, the people with children, enjoy the sound of them being annoying on an airplane? Do they think we encourage that behavior? I remember being a single person on a long plane flight with children sitting around me, and I gotta tell you, I never thought that families should have their own portion of the plane. That's just stupid. It's like putting people with peanut allergies in one section. Or loud talkers. Or people who snore. Or drinkers. What's next? A section of two rows of seats for every type of person or characteristic? Ridiculous. Besides, when a parent in paying full-seat fare for any child older than two, and where there is no differentiation on tickets at all, there is no way that something like this could even conceivably be enforced. I hope those travelers enjoy their current traveling situation: without children. Because when they have some smaller companions on the trip, their perspective will indeed change.

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