Thursday, September 10

"Every time I look at it, I'll think of you."

I burned my arm on the oven door yesterday as I removed my baked-to-perfection blueberry muffins. The temperature of the oven itself was 400 degrees. (HOT!) I reacted as any human would when accidentally touching something so toasty: I quickly pulled my arm away. (HOT!) But I'm pretty amazed at how fast the damage was done to my arm. I've never burned myself like this before, so it's become quite the little experiment-fascination for me.
Tonight's observations: It's not sore anymore. It doesn't feel like it's still burning anymore. It's taken on a darker purple hue, which is interesting. It also looks like it's thinking about blistering, but deciding that blistering is too much effort. So there's nothing raised, just kinda scorched.
Brian tells me that it's going to scar, but I'm fighting against that. I'm putting the ointments and stuff on it, so let's hope they're stronger than the burn. But, if it does scar, I guess there are worse things than being permanently marked while engaging in an activity that makes your little girl so happy, right?

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