Friday, January 2

Friday is always a slow news day

For a second day in January, this one wasn't all bad. There was plenty to be unhappy about, such as Sydney's cold returning with a vengeance, my bad decision for lunch, and the fact that the Christmas fairies still have not put away all my decorations, but beyond all that, it was an okay day.
I'm upset about John Travolta's son dying. That's so sad. How a parent can cope with the death of a child is such a devastating thing for me. It's always been an emotional what-if, but now, having Sydney, I can't imagine anything worse. Honestly, I am silently and subtly freaking out about it. And once I've finished this post, I'll go into her room and check on her.
I am refusing all housewifery chores this evening. They include emptying the dishwasher, and starting a load of laundry. I wish I could say that it'll be a long strike, and that these things will sit undone until next week or so, but I know that I'll be doing them tomorrow morning. At least I got Brian to take care of my grocery shopping tonight. That's a couple points for him. And now, at 10:30 p.m., I'm yawning. That means it's time to go night-nights.

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