Thursday, January 17

Yep, he's gotten all hot

I am recently disturbed by a late-in-life, movie-star crush on Leonardo DiCaprio. How behind the mainstream dreamboat-ogling times am I? But really, I think it has more to do with his last two movies, The Departed, and my recent HBO obsession, Blood Diamond. I remember the first time I saw Blood Diamond, and thought, "Wow. Boy's grown up." And tonight, I happened to catch the movie right at the beginning. Imagine my surprise when I got all girly and giddy at a scene with him in just a bath towel. Weird, huh? I can't tell you how many times I've landed on the film and ended up watching it through to the end in the last few weeks. I think it's the whole bad-boy thing, certainly, but the accent, too, is a bit of a turn on. What to do but continue watching?

1 comment:

-T. said...

I agree!! He has gotten more and more delicious as he's gotten older..