Tuesday, August 7

Ten o'clock, channel 5

ITEM!: I'm stuck doing this blog post in Safari, rather than Firefox, my browser of choice for hanging out on Blogger. So your guess is as good as mine as to how this will look once it's posted. Damn, sometimes I simply hate technology. What's up with Firefox?
ITEM!: Check out the new iMac! Awesome! Every time I think that I might want an iMac, I notice that I am indeed typing in my bedroom, on my bed, with a ridiculous movie playing in the background. This is not possible with a desktop computer. Would changing the way I do the blogging and Internet surfing be worth a new computer? Right now, I'm thinking no. Of course, someone tell me why I continue to be loyal to this particular computer, especially after the harddrive crash of 2006.
ITEM!: Yes, I got all caught up in the Barry Bonds hype tonight. We happened to be watching "SportsCenter" when he came up to bat, and were sitting on the sofa watching when he hit home run number 756. It was nice to see that Bonds was at least humbled by his achievement, even if he didn't come by it honestly.
ITEM!: I'm saddened to hear about the death of one of the coolest television news anchors ever. Hal Fishman of KTLA News at Ten was one of those really cool cats that a viewer could count on to tell it like it is. His commentaries went off the deep end every once in a while, but as a newsman, he was unequaled. For years and years, "the news with Hal" was Mom's only appointment television. Up until yesterday, it still was.

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