Tuesday, May 1

Bunny hopping is fun

* I'm at a loss. Someone explain to me why Meatloaf (or, as my mom used to call him to be funny, Hamburger) is performing on Dancing with the Stars: The Results. I can't decide who picked the short stick here: the show or the performer. Actually, I think the show got the short stick, because I would totally have watched the show instead of a concert by Meatloaf. He's got a red scarf hanging from his microphone stand. Does anyone do that anymore? Okay, does anyone other than Steven Tyler do that anymore? [Program note: They have got to stop these Jimmy Kimmel bits. They're just stupid.]
* Have I told you about the sofa issues? That cool leather sofa that we had to have is wearing in a couple spots. Because I didn't really want to deal with it, I was avoiding contacting Costco Home in regards to getting a replacement. Of course, Mom to the rescue, and she called them to see what's the deal. Guess what? Since the store doesn't sell that sofa anymore, they'll refund the money for it. Now begins the search for a new sofa. This one will not be leather. Who knew that leather sofas were so hot to sit on? I'm sure a lot of you did, but clearly, we had to learn on our own.
* Our apartment complex sent us a lease renewal over the weekend. They want to up our monthly payment by about $100. It's not the money really, because still, compared to Boston, this place is a frickin' steal. It's that the place isn't any better for the money they want now. They wouldn't clean my carpets for me, and, as you all remember, they would not give me a new microwave. And, my washing machine has rust at the bottom of the basket. Here's the thing: Can you really negotiate with an apartment complex? I would love for them to tell me that I don't need to pay any more. However, I would settle for paying more, if they give me all the stuff I want.
* I'm so bummed that John is leaving the show! He was so cool! They're all doing the Bunny Hop!! Awesome!! Okay, now I'm convinced that there is some kind of red state conspiracy to keep Billy Ray, who clearly is done with this whole thing, on the show. Is it that they like to giggle at him?

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