Friday, July 1

June over? Ju-lying! Is a joke I heard today

I picked this month's avatar because she looks like she'd rather be enjoying her vacation, but someone or something is aggravating her. As for me, I'd totally rather be enjoying a vacation, but this job and lack of money to go anywhere is aggravating me. Also, it's summer and she's at the beach, and she makes me feel like I'm somewhere beachy and not as hot.
So, it's July, and most of the year is gone. It seems like a good time to catch up on my EXPECTATIONs for the year, but I really feel like that will bum me out, so maybe not. In a random aside though, I need to go to Home Depot and buy the taller tree stake supports for my apple orchard. The trees are getting too tall, if that's such a thing. And they do need to be better supported. I'll have to see what I can figure out for them. Also, maybe Target.
I'd love to have a better plan for the long weekend. We should be going somewhere and adventuring someplace new. I blame my illness still, and that's boring. So I'll probably allow Sydney's sleepover plan for tomorrow night, just so she can say something awesome happened over the weekend. But I'm on the hunt for a cool thing for Sunday and Monday.
At any rate, I don't have to be back at work until Tuesday morning, and that is frickin' fantastic!

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