Wednesday, November 28

Blah, blah, fingernail polish

I'm bored with my blog topics of late. Blah, blah, tired. Blah, blah, holidays. Blah, blah, weather. It's like the blog has become my place for idle polite conversation. "So, how are things? Been busy? Lovely weather we're having, isn't it?"
Brian bought $40 worth of Powerball tickets today. I have grand plans for all that money, so be prepared for tomorrow's post, which may or may not be headlined with, "Suck it, bitches! I'm paying off my bills and moving back to California!!" It's all good, you know. Wouldn't that just be so awesome? I think it would make me very happy.
Decorating my house for Christmas takes me about seven hours. I didn't time myself today, and I'm glad I didn't, because that would have been weird. No, I started decorating after I dropped Sydney at school, and was just about done when it was time to pick her up. All that's missing is the smell of chocolate chip cookies, and this would be the happiest house ever.

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