Sunday, May 13

Burger and fries = lunch-time perfection

It was pretty much a perfect Mother's Day. I got to sleep in a little, do some farming with no attitude, drink a fresh tea from Starbucks, eat a hamburger and french fries for lunch, do some laundry, be bitchy with my apartment complex's front office, cuddle with my family, and snack on chocolate-covered raisins, which are the nest kind of fruity snack.
Tomorrow, I have to get up early again, and take my kid to school. I'm not looking forward to spending the day without her, as is the case after we've had several days together. Also, I'll be without my hubby. But I will be spending the day with my dogs, who I missed terribly while we were gone.
And also, now we're here for a while. No more weeks away from Texas. I suppose I'll spend some time in the storage unit this week too, bringing up more things to fill out the kitchen. I'll be nesting a bit more, as I've discovered I'm needing things that I know are just in a box downstairs. 
This blog is disjointed, and I apologize. Again, tired, and distracted by the season finale of The Vampire Diaries.

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