Sunday, October 3

Pretty pictures of rocks

Okay, I'm exhausted. It's not been the days at all, it's the three-foot terror that comes cruising into my bedroom anytime between 5:30 a.m. and 6:30 a.m. for the last four mornings. Add to that her penchant for getting up a couple times a night when she's excited about having her grandma visit, and you can see why my sleep cycle has been off a bit lately. I knew that Sydney was as tired as I, or more so, but I didn't think that she would actually fall asleep on my bed while watching cartoons tonight. I was able to get her into my arms, but she wanted no part of changing into pajamas. So, she sleeps now in her bed, still dressed from the day, and I am getting ready to hit the sheets, too.
How beautiful is this photo of El Capitan at Yosemite? I love it!

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