Wednesday, July 7

I'm your sunflower

Big news: I've got a job interview tomorrow afternoon!
I'm kinda nervous, and getting more freaked as the evening wears on. I think I'm more nervous because I think I might really want this job. I might really be good at it. It is an editorial position, but with a web site instead of a magazine. It's something I've never done before, and I'm kinda eager to dig into the challenge. I hope the interview goes well. I mean, I know I give good interview, but still, I'm feeling a bit rusty in every sense of my skill set. Yes, I've done a bit of freelancing over the last few years, but all in all, my life as a regular worker has been nonexistent. Be at the office on time? Have only an hour for lunch? Take vacation days? I'm so out of practice!!
But in the privacy of the blog here, I'll tell you that I am FREAKING OUT over not having my days with my baby girl. How do I spend my days if not with her? For four years, I've never known! For her though, summer camp is a viable option until school starts next month, and I know she'd have a great time. But, we've never been apart for so many hours for so many days in a row. I'm beginning to stress about how much I'll miss her! It's hurting my heart actually, but more than anything, I know that SO many moms go through this, so I should just deal.
Still, we do need to move on with our lives. It was never my intention to "retire" from working entirely once she was born. I knew this day would come, and have been quietly anticipating (dreading) it for a couple years.
Also, I should settle down because I don't have the job right now.

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