Sunday, February 7

Back to work? Really?

I totally forgot to mention how the interview went!
I think it went really well. I managed to crawl out of my sweat pants, drive the SEVEN minutes to that office, and pull it together in a surprising fashion. I admitted to the interviewer that I had a cold, explaining that, though I had just Purelled my hands, if I dove into my bag for a tissue, he would know why. Both men that interviewed me separately were really nice, and I think I could see myself working there quite well. The interesting portion of the job is that there is minimal actual writing. A majority of the job is editing, pulling together text, and planning issues, as well as putting the books together. This, as a matter of fact, is my favorite part of the job. I used to say that, if I could do my job without having to actually talk to someone, I'd be a happy camper. And this job seems to be giving me a bit more of that kind of existence than any other job before it.
In my head, I'm already making plans. That's a good sign.
They told me that I would probably hear from them around the middle of this week.

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