I'm cruising around in a Buick today, my friends. The lovely little Land Rover started getting kinda hot yesterday, and the temperature monitor was settling in the red a bit too much for me, so it's in the shop this morning. Good news or bad? Good: they have all the parts and I should get the car back today. Bad: $730. The temperature gauge and the two hoses that lead to it need to be replaced. The coolant is leaking, the gauge is cracked, and the hoses are bloated and cracking. This, Michael told me, was a result of the extreme heat here in Arizona. I agree that the heat is a major issue, but I'll also go on record as saying that the extreme cold of Massachusetts for four winters can't have helped. It has taken me an average of two attempts to get the car parked straight and in the spot entirely both times I tried. Ugh.
And I know that you're all wondering about my television dilemma from last night. Well, problem solved. Given the finite amount of time that Sydney naps in the morning, I was presented with a "pick the show you want to watch in quiet and harmony" choice to make. I chose Gossip Girl. And given how I feel about not watching Private Practice (pretty okay with it, actually), I'll leave that one off my DVR agenda for Wednesdays.
Whe was the last time 'YOU' lifted the hood of your Land Rover ?
Just asking.
Why would I have to lift the hood of the car? Lights and buzzers go off when something's wrong nowadays. Or, as I noted, the needles move in unpredictable ways.
How would anyone other than a Land Rover mechanic have known that the thermostat was cracked and leaking? Would YOU have known where to look for the problem? I think not.
Keep your snide remarks to yourself. I take care of the problems when they present themselves.
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