Monday, May 1

May Day

This is the day they call May Day, isn't it? Huh ... that may be what the rest of the country calls it, but I call it the first day of a busy month.
Here's the low-down on my May, if you can handle the truth: two graduations, one in Virginia this weekend, one in Boston the following weekend; two airplane trips, one to Virginia this weekend, one to San Antonio in two weeks; three straight weekends with my mom, a good thing, because I'll be needing the help holding on to my sanity; 11 people, number of family members I'll be planning for and leading around Boston for four days over Brian's graduation weekend; one weekend that is yet unplanned, but thank the goddess it's Memorial Day weekend, a long one; 17 days, out of the entire month's allotted workdays, during which I'll actually be in my office working; 2 big decisions need to be made, where we'll be moving this summer, and when.
I need a nap just thinking about all this.
Here is the avatar for the month, too. I'm digging the ladybug sweater, truly, and Ollie seems to be enjoying our little flower, backyard-y scene. It's still not really warm enough for capri pants and little shoes, but I'm holding out hope that the better weather is just around the corner.


Anonymous said...

Stay "calm" Babe and things will work out.

Worked for me!

Anonymous said...

EEEssshh! At least the trip to San Antonio will be fun.
