Thursday, September 22

Wednesday's premieres

Holy cripes, people! There's a guy living in the hatch! He's got running water, electricity, a blender, computers, paint for artistic endeavors and a supply of maraschino cherries! And apparently a wicked case of the "must have's" for the T virus antidote. (Points to who can give it up for that reference.)
But seriously, what the hell!!?? LOST completely and totally delivered last night, making the last 12 weeks or so of drought worth it. I'm okay with not knowing what happened with Michael, Jin and Sawyer for the week, as there was way too much going on on the island. Walt's appearance, which I think was him trying to communicate psychically with Shannon; um, Desmond, who can run stairs faster than Jack; Hurley telling Jack about the numbers, and the best response to the story, "You were in a psych ward?;" and Locke and Kate going in the hatch against Jack's wishes. Oh yeah, and the hair. What was up with Jack's hair?
The morning's critique was favorable from the crew here, so we'll give this ep a thumbs up! And A., welcome to the island!!
I also watched Invasion, which kept me glued to the television, and jumping in my seat, what with the light in the water grabbing the brother, and the too observant little girl. Another home run, I think, for ABC.

Photo of Lost cast shamelessly and illegally pilfered from Entertainment Weekly's web site.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Woo-hoo! I love that they answered a couple of questions in the process of asking about a bazillion more. I for one think the more mystery the better, as soon as we know what it is all about, it will be over.

What wild ride.


Also, I cheated... so I won't answer the T virus question.