Friday, June 17

Here's hoping next week is a home run

We're two weeks of summer camp into the summer, and I'm frickin' exhausted. Last week was someplace Sydney totally loves; it's her number one, favorite summer camp. It has two separate programs during the summer, so she goes there for two weeks every summer. Her first week was last week, and the second week is later this summer. Anyway, she thoroughly enjoyed.
This week's camp was a new one. It was science-based, which was awesome, but it was 25 miles away with traffic too, which was not awesome. I was putting 100 miles a day on my car this week, and she didn't totally love the camp. I mean, she liked it well enough, and had a couple great days, but it wasn't so wonderful as to be worth all the driving, or worth doing again, she said. Next year, we need to find a science-y, intellectual camp closer to home.
The next few weeks are good to go, including a nice combination of physical, running around and active camps and an artsy camp. I'd love to have another brain-matter camp, but I'm having a hard time finding one. I've only got two weeks open, and an idea for one of them, so my wiggle room is extremely limited. So far I've got one hit and one miss.
I get to sleep in this weekend, and after a week of getting up at 6 a.m. so I can drive 40 minutes away to drive 40 minutes back here for work, I'm needing the extra sleepy time to refresh and rejuvenate. Happily, next week's camp is in town and only 10 minutes away. It's a winner already.

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