Friday, September 5

Bad sleep to encourage good sleep

It's never a good thing when I sleep downstairs on the Futon cushion. It is, predominantly, a dog issue that compels me to do it. Tonight is no different, as Oliver's current issues dictate my sleeping space.
My dearest dog decided to go ahead and tweak his back doing something, and is now on limited activity for the next several days. He's on an anti-inflammatory and pain pills, and is not at all allowed to go up and down the stairs. I know that he'd be perfectly fine sleeping down here, with Brian on the sofa, but I also know that he always sleeps better when he's with me. So tonight I move my bed downstairs, and prepare for a not-too-comfortable evening on the floor. Ideally, with him being all doped up, he'll sleep fine.
I won't lie, the fact that he's hurt his back, which is pretty much what happened to Daisy, is freaking me out. I am an absolute mess. But Oliver seems to be feeling better, as he's getting around better than yesterday, last night and this morning. Here's hoping he motors through this one with minimal recuperation time, and that he's perfect again at the end of it.
As for Brian and I, we sleep downstairs to be sure the old man sleeps well.

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