Monday, November 12

Too cute to be a thief? Nope

I got proof today that Daisy has been stealing food from Oliver's bowl when I'm not around. This afternoon, I came home from picking up Sydney to discover Daisy laying on a pillow, hesitant to come greet me. This, as most dog owners can attest, is a bad sign. My first action was to check for poop. Finding none, I sat on the floor and gave her a kiss on the nose, the best way to tell if she'd thrown up anywhere, as the breath is a tell-tale sign. But no, not vomit; instead it was dog food I smelled on her. To confirm, I checked and saw that Oliver's bowl was empty.
Irrational feelings alert!: Why was the dog not taking this diet as seriously as I?
Suddenly, I realize why she's gained some weight rather than lost it over the last couple months. And the signs were there, I guess, but apparently they weren't NEON enough for me before today.
Happily, I can beat her at this game. Background: Brian bought Oliver a new dry food when Sydney and I were in California, and my little man really, really likes it. It's not the normal stuff though, so we've treated it as a secondary meal more than regular food.
But the fact that he eats it as soon as I put it in his bowl was a giant light bulb for me today. And our way to thwart Daisy was discovered: Feed Oliver this food, a serving at a time, and he'll eat everything in his bowl, leaving nothing for Daisy to finish throughout the day or night. And just as suddenly, she starts to lose weight again.
I'm laughing at myself quite a bit tonight, for crediting Daisy with the self-restraint I thought she had for staying away from Oliver's bowl. Why I sometimes forget that, at any given time, she's a dog, not a canine-ly person, amazes me. And that she's an overweight dog especially, because of course she'll be eating the extra food out on the floor in a bowl. (You see, even typing it out, I laugh at myself again.) So, the dog diet begins again tomorrow, and this time, I will win.

1 comment:

rosemary said...

You're lucky that she only steals from him. Our Reba jumped up on the kitchen counter and ate about 30 HANDMADE meatballs. They had taken me an hour to make :-(