Thursday, July 2

Politely, I say she's bananas

You know what the tragedy is about Governor Mark Sanford of South Carolina? The tragedy is ... that as much as I don't care AT ALL about this situation, the guy is all over the news and not-the-news shows, and I can't get away from him. He just won't shut up. That rambling 18-minute press conference? CNN had the subtitles going at the gym that day, and it was in front of my treadmill. My lovely Daily Show and Colbert Report have been popping off about it all week, and I will not miss those shows. He's all over the news web sites, each day with a new revelation.
Honestly, I don't think there's another thing that this guy can say that would surprise me now. The mistress is his soul mate; he cried the entire seven days he was in Argentina; they were friends before they became lovers. He's had dalliances with other women, nothing that went all the way, but more than would be proper for a married man, or so he says. He knows he has wronged the people of South Carolina, but feels the state is better with him still in the driver seat.
But you know who I don't get in this whole soap opera? The wife. I read today that she would be "open," to him coming back home and trying to mend their relationship. I think she's stupid if she allows this. Excuse me, ma'am? Looking for a good way to diminish yourself in your relationship and give up all the respect you've earned from your partner? Here's what you do: After he's confessed to his indiscretions, let your husband come home, followed by media, and tell you that ... well ... you're not his soul mate, but because his job, political future, and public image seem to dictate it, he'll move back home, try to fall back in love with you, and put on a show for the constituents and media.
Piss off, dude.

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