Thursday, November 20

I'm a Mac, and I won't open my CD door

It's been a while, so don't you think it's about time for the computer to need some fixing? I mean, it's been a couple years since the great hard drive crash of 2006, so the laptop should really have some kind of meltdown. It does not disappoint me. Currently, I'm dealing with two specific issues: the CD/DVD drive will not open, no matter how I smack, pull or jab at it; and, well, this has been an issue for quite some time, any videos, be they network television programs or YouTube segments, come through all pixelated, start and stop, and never are in sync so far as sight and sound. It's a drag, especially since so many of my favorite sites have streaming videos on them. But the CD thing is what finally tipped the scales toward a visit to the computer doctor. I went to upload the new Pink CD into my iTunes, and could not get the damn little door to open. If you can't insert the CD, you can't upload the CD ... and I refuse to buy the CD and then buy the music on iTunes, too. All that, even if I am living fast and loose with iTunes credits from my mommy. I hate to waste them because of laziness, even though I'm sure the repair of the CD door will cost more than the cost of the music. At any rate and for however much, I'll be taking the computer in to the Mac guys on Monday morning.

1 comment:

pocketless 8th grader said...

There is typically a small hole on the door of the CD player that you could fit a bent paperclip through. Try pushing a paperclip through there to manually eject the CDROM tray. Sometimes, unless the motor is burned out, this will actually fix the problem. Although we are talking about a mac, and they may not have such a "feature" because nothing ever goes wrong with a mac.