Monday, August 21

Colds are the worst now that I'm older

I get that this image makes it look all cute and everything, but this cold has been no joke. Here I am, about nine days later, and I'm still fatigued, snotty, and kinda coughing. I'm still going to bed at 10 or 10:30, and still waking up thinking about how nice it'll be when I get to go to bed that night.
Not for nothing, it feels like every year I get older, it takes longer to get over a cold. Like, for every year over 40 years I get, it takes two more days to get over a cold. Sydney gets over them in a matter of tick tocks (or only three days), and I'm rolling on nine days with this nonsense.

[Editor's note: I had this post ready for last night, but when I got to the tablet here, it was dead with zero power. I plugged it in, and after 20 minutes of charging, the thing still hadn't powered up enough for me to post. Having said that, I discovered tonight that I had to turn the tablet on to get to blogging. So I immediately wondert if the tablet just needed to be turned on last night, and then I could have blogged at a mere 4 percent or something.]

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