Saturday, August 15

No kidding; they're, like, all the same

I've decided to stop reading Brad Thor's books, for much the same reason why I stopped reading Danielle Steel's books years and years ago, because they are entirely too similar in plot and style. Thor's hero, Scot Harvath, is a special ops super dude who foils terrorist plots and travels the world following dangerous people into dangerous locales, and then kills them. He always gets beat up a lot, but always manages to find that extra bit of strength/motivation/patriotism to stand up again and chase down the bad guy. And this last book I was reading, The First Commandment, was looking to be more of the same. Probably when one reads the books with the usual year or so in between publishings, one doesn't notice how ridiculously on task the plots and motivations are to Harvath's world. But having read five of the Harvath series in the last several weeks, it became painfully clear that Commandment was going to be more of the same. So I stopped reading it. And returned it to the library. And declined to add anymore Thor books to my reading queue.
Also, I'm finding it hard to get into The Secret Life of Bees. I'm about 75 pages in, and I'm not liking it a whole lot. Granted, all I'm doing is waiting for Sarah Maas' Queen of Shadows, but I'm having an issue with what I feel like reading for now. I've added some more books to my queue though, and they're at the library already, so that's for Monday. Thank goodness my Vanity Fair arrived in the mail today.

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