Tuesday, July 7

Chafing is, no joke, the worst ever

ITEM!: Mom found me some of those super awesome mid-thigh panties I was telling you about and sent them to me. I wore my first pair today, and I have to tell you, they are indeed very awesome. I wore them under my dress, and beyond the minor issue of them riding up every once in a while, they were a perfect solution to my chafing problem. I'm so looking forward to wearing more dresses and skirts for the rest of the summer!
ITEM!: I'm constantly amazed with the amount of dust that can build up on an air conditioning vent and filter. I change the filter once a month during the summer, of course, but the actual dusting of the vent is something I avoid until it absolutely must be done. Today, it had to be done. And I made a big, fat mess doing it, but at least now it's all clean. So now the whole situation should run more efficiently.
ITEM!: The trip out to California is coming together nicely, and I'm getting very eager to put the desert in my rearview mirror next week. Friends! Family! Fun! Oh, my!
ITEM!: I subscribed to two magazines this morning: Raising Arizona Kids, which I had already been a subscriber to, but allowed the subscription to lapse a few months ago; and Martha Stewart Living, because I enjoy the issues that I buy here and there, and I've wanted to have it delivered for some time, but for whatever reason haven't subscribed to. These two random tasks have been crossed off my list now, and that makes me happy.
ITEM!: Also, my period started today, so I'm also super looking forward to my pre-menopausal hot flashes over the next couple days. *sarcasm.* I don't think any amount of mid-thigh panties and flowy skirts will make the next two or three mornings at all comfortable. Ugh.

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