Thursday, June 16

It works just fine

ITEM!: I'm feeling better in the head. My twitches are gone: I read book three yesterday, and I'm a happier camper about the whole thing. Of course, this leaves me without book four for today, but that's okay, I've decided. It's okay to not read for a day.
But tomorrow, I'll be needing that book four.
Oh wait, I didn't tell you about my visit to Barnes & Noble! I went looking for books three and four, and managed to come home with all the books except four (which is on order and I put my name on one) and nine (which is a hardcover). Book four, the guy told me, should be in the store within the next couple days. I'm expecting an e-mail from B&N tomorrow. I hope. Because I really do want to keep reading these. You know, books are good.
ITEM!: I think I'm going to push for Brian, Sydney and I to check out Green Lantern at the drive-in this weekend. I really, really want to see this movie, but I really, really, really don't want to pay for a babysitter. And how well she did last time is my happiness for trying again this weekend.
ITEM!: I picked up a new belt for my old vacuum today. I sat down on the floor, spread out a rag beneath the vacuum, and proceeded to open it up so I could replace the belt that I was positive was shredded beyond measure. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that the belt was, not only intact, but in perfect health. So then, I vacuumed.

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