Friday, April 15

Penguin energy > Kimmie energy

I've been staying up too late a lot lately, and it's beginning to really wear on me. of course it is, because I'm not 20 anymore, but more than that, it's forced me to lay down my head on the sofa the last two afternoons and take a little nap. Not that naps are bad things; on the contrary, I'm a huge fan. But I like the naps better when they're taken by other people (*cough, cough* Sydney), and I can get some quiet in my day. The last two days I've been imploring her to be quiet while Mommy just closes her eyes for a couple minutes. And she's been a good nap enabler, too. I've gotten a good 45 minutes of decent dozing both days.
But tonight, I hope to go to bed early, and I hope to be allowed to sleep in a bit in the morning.
I hate blogging about how tired I am, but when I'm tired, I just don't feel like I have the energy to get all worked up about anything else. And that bums me out, because you all (or I could say, "y'all" in my preparing for a life in Texas), deserve better than that.
I'll try to make it up to you over the next few days, weeks and months. But first, I'll get a good night's sleep.

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