Tuesday, May 19

It's almost as bad as Mel B.'s loss

Okay, I'm just going to declare it right here, right now: SHENANIGANS! I don't dislike Shawn Johnson. In fact, she's adorable, and I was totally rooting for her last summer. She's an amazing competitor, and obviously worked really hard in this competition. That being said, I do not think she should have won the mirrorball trophy on Dancing with the Stars tonight. I don't care that it was the closest margin of difference between first and second place ever. I don't care that, whatever, she's America's Sweetheart. (This is the part where, in my heart, I begin to get embarrassed by how much this is bothering me.) There is just no way that she was the better dancer in the ballroom tonight. The person who should have won is Gilles Marini, who went from "naked guy in the Sex and the City movie," to a name that people recognize. And to have Melissa Rycroft shuttled off as third place? Travesty! I feel so awful for Tony Davolani! He so deserves a win on this show!
On the flip side, and even though I'm pretty irritated about how it ended, I feel a heavy sigh of relief that my weekly weird obsession is over for a few months. And actually, I've been breathing a bit easier as every one of my shows broadcasts its season finale. As much as I hate not having my little stories to occupy me, I also love not having my little stories to occupy me. I feel like this summer, I might actually make it through my Summer Reading List. I MIGHT, I said! I make no promises!

In other news, I can happily report that my car is back safe in my garage, freshly detailed, and freshly scrubbed of any crunches.

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