Monday, May 14

Dude. It's not hard. Just pay attention

I have discovered a new pet peeve in my life, and it is the guy who doesn't listen for his number to be called at AJs in the morning. AJs is an awesome, specialty grocery store in Arizona, and it is wonderful. In particular, the AJs bakery counter is magnificent, all chockablock with cakes, pies, cookies, bakery goods and cheesecake. Also, the counter fronts a truly inspirational selection of flavored iced teas. My drink of choice is the pineapple iced tea. A fresh one is $1.60. If you remember to bring a used cup and top, the cost is a mere $0.75, which is delightful.
AJs is busy in the morning, as you could imagine. People want their bagels, muffins, coffees and cookies to get the day started. I want my pineapple iced tea. That's all I get, and I'm quick about it. As I said though, it's busy. You always, always have to take a number. You pay attention, too, because they won't linger on your number if you don't respond when it's called. There are a lot of people waiting, for sure.
This morning brought forth an example of the pet peeve: "Douchebag who doesn't listen for his number." I was number 35. The counterperson called out 33, and a guy standing to the side with a few of his friends was quick to hold his hand up and move closer to the counter to order. The next counterperson called out a number. "34!" No answer. "34!" And a third time, "34!" They always call out a number three times. "Okay; 35?"
I was, per my habit, right there with my cup and my number ticket. While my tea was being prepared, the call went out for 36. And as 37 is being called, a douchey guy who was with the guy who heard his number of 33 being called, ambles up to the counter and is all, "Hey, I'm 34." She's all, "I'm sorry?" "I'm 34; I got skipped." Um, no dude. You did not get skipped. You were too busy having your very important douchey dude conversation, and thought that the world should stop and wait for you to take the time to roll up to the counter at your leisure.
I happened to be on the phone with Mom when this happened, and she got to hear my exact response, which is almost verbatim of what you just read. I mumbled it, of course, because his response wasn't terribly rude to the bakery workers, nor was it loud and obnoxious. I label him douchey because he couldn't just pay attention to his surroundings, and then he acted all put upon because the girls didn't scream loud enough or make a big enough deal because he didn't happen to be right there.
Anyway, new pet peeve.

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