Sunday, April 15

I want my frappuccino, and I want it now

ITEM!: My least favorite emotion is "mad/disappointed at Sydney." I'm in that kind of mood right now, and it bothers me a whole lot. The thing is, she's a good kid. Like, a really, really good kid.
So maybe I just expect too much, but really, when I say it's time to take a shower, she should just go take a shower. You know what I mean? Don't sit in a room and play games on the phone or Switch or whatever for 45 minutes until I holler up the stairs to see if you're done with your shower, and you haven't even done it yet. That makes me mad. And it makes me take the games away. And that makes me sad. Because it makes her mad and sad. And I hate it when she's mad and sad.
ITEM!: I am insanely preoccupied with whether Starbucks will offer the Midnight Mint Mocha Frappuccino during the summer again this year. I honestly think that is my favorite "drink, drink" and I can't wait to have one. In fact, it's my current motivation for Weight Watchers. If I'm good with everything else that I put into my body, I can splurge regularly on that drink. I can't remember when the company announced it last year, but I feel like we're coming up to that anniversary, so I'm hoping for some good news coming my way soon. Actually, it looks like it was announced right around the beginning of May. Fingers crossed!
ITEM!: Speaking of drinks, I think I may have to change my habit of having an iced tea everyday at work. My office is so cold that I find that drinking my iced tea is making me feel colder at work, and that makes me want to have a hot tea. And even though it's super warm outside, I may have to start drinking for being colder. Like how I bring a sweatshirt to work everyday because of the interior temperature. And since I doctor my tea, I'll have to make it at home and bring it with me. Because honestly, I look forward to the summer because the iced tea at AJ's is only $0.75 per weekday, while hot tea is at Starbucks is $2.85. (I don't like the hot tea at AJ's so don't ask me to not go to Starbucks.)

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