Thursday, March 8

Just a few things for today

THING 1: Tonight, we establish the routine. I sit here, at the computer. With my little desk lamp on so I feel like I'm in the mood. My hot tea sits next to me, though it's still too hot to drink at this moment and all I can taste is the nasty ginger-lime Diet Coke I drank after my dinner. (I will not do that again.) It's a bit earlier than I figured I would be here, but Sydney is taking a shower, and Brian has begun watching science on the TV downstairs, so the computer was calling to me.
I saw my article for the magazine today, and the byline with it, and it's weird how motivating that is for me right now. I've not gotten any compliments on the piece, but it wasn't thrashed and trashed, so I'm feeling pretty good about that.
I have a coworker who thinks that I am the end-all, be-all of editors though, and that this is the beginning of some kind of editorial revolution at the magazine. I'm like, "Nah, I'm good. I like my little part-time gig, with minimal effort or responsibility." Still, I may not rebel against the idea of writing some of the smaller, puffier pieces that they may want in the future. If, in fact, they do want more from me in the future. ... IT'S ALL A GRAY AREA, is what I'm saying.
I hate that these kids who were in grade school when I was writing for my first job are in charge of this particular fate.
THING 2: I noticed, yet again since now it's on the commercials, that Diana, Princess of Themyscira, takes center position on the Justice League Blu-Ray case covers, and that makes me more happy than so many things. And on International Women's Day, too.
THING 3: My tea is delicious.

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