Wednesday, April 15

Bitches be bitches, yo

A woman in Australia received a hand-written and mailed letter from some of her "friends" on Facebook, who wanted her to stop posting so many pictures of her new baby daughter. It was a super mean-spirited letter, saying all kinds of things like: everyone has kids and yours is no better than ours; we don't care about her new outfits; can't wait for you to go back to work so you have less time to post; and she's six months old, big deal. The letter itself was about 300 words of petty bullshit, and then they didn't even have the balls to sign it.
Here's my thing: There are very real ways of not seeing posts from people that bother you. And you can actually enact these ways without the other person knowing. That way, you manage to clean up your feed and make it less annoying for you, while not hurting someone else's feelings.
We've all done it. I've got a few friends that share too many articles on politics, and horrible news stories. I know someone who posts way too many inspirational photos. And another friend who just shares too much of their personal business for the world to see.
Guess what. I don't know what these people are up to now because I don't follow them on Facebook anymore. Technically, we're still "friends." And I still would like to know how they're doing now and then, so I check their pages when that curiosity arises.
The beauty of Facebook is that you can choose to engage, or not -- be informed, or not. There's no bylaw saying that you have to read and react to everything that shows up on your feed.
These "friends" of this lady obviously aren't really friends of hers, since they sent this in the first place, but also they're being so chickenshit about it by not signing the letter. Also, if she was really good friends with them, she would recognize the author's writing style. It seems super distinctive.
My advice for this lady is to clean up her friends list, and purge the people that don't contribute to her mental, psychological and emotional good health in consistent ways. Also, fuck them. Post pics of your kid if you want.

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