Friday, June 6

It'll be better this way, I know it

So, here we are, on the cusp of a new and exciting adventure with Cooper: he's getting neutered soon. I called the vet yesterday, and got the estimate over the phone, including the microchip implantation. Why, oh why, are we getting the little man neutered so early? (Oliver was well over two years old when he was neutered.) Well, there's the humping thing. He's mounting everything lately, including his favorite target, a very irritated Oliver. He's super aggressive with trying to dominate everything. And oh yeah, he's a crazy puppy who just needs to settle down. The health benefits to the neutering are gravy, of course, because he'd get it done eventually anyway. But while we waited a while for Oliver, the vet suggested we get Cooper done early, especially before he begins marking. Such is the treat of having two male dogs in the house, apparently. Territory marking. Honestly. Who's got the time or patience for that kind of thing?

Nightly social media blackout update: It went extremely well tonight, and in fact, I put the phone down at 4:30 p.m. instead of 5 p.m. So relaxing! And I didn't twitch at all!

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